Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Indeed, what's with the name?

First off, I happily agreed to take part on the blog. I'll be assisting with some posts, equally about the two areas we both love, and whichever we really feel like throwing out.

As a kick-off, mirroring my partner, I'll introduce myself - by my name. Cloud actually has a multitude of meanings - Some of you might recognise some of them. First, it was almost an alter-ego of my own self back in mid school - since me and a few pals were writing a fastasy story. The project never really took form, but damn, were those some fun times. My own character, Cloud, had a Lightning-element affinity (the story revolves around 9 (!!!) main characters, one per "element", all with one "negative" element), and was in many ways matching my own personallity. Even today, we haven't entirelly given up on the dream of turning this into something real. I probably still have some chapters lying around... :P

From there on, the two other interests on the name are about music and games. Cloud Nine being a song from one of my favorite bands - Evanescence. As it matched my alter-ego's name, it was further considered a basis for all my internet nicknames. And, of course - and perhaps the thing you'd recognise this name from - Final Fantasy VII's Cloud Strife, the protagonist of one of the most famous RPG series of all time - Squareenix's Final Fantasy (At the time, they were Squaresoft), and the first big step into 3D - and arguably one of the games that "sold" the Playstation One system. The story compelled me in a way few books have ever been able to - as an RPG fan, the game did feel too easy with relativelly few grinding, but all I could see was the amazing storytelling. I cleared the game way beyond 5 times (Fully ginding extras and level 99s).

And, oddly enough, in my later life, Cloud Computing becoming a standard in programming paradigms only served to tell me that that name was a perfect match to my own self. I still use constant permutations of Cloud to match my characters in video games, or wherever a nickname is requested, really. I do have other names, but they're mostly randomly created to avoid having an enormous list of CloudA, CloudBs lying around :P

What's with the nickname?

It's an old nickname from the times when I was in mid school, it was created from my real 1st name and a game character, because I didn't have a clue of what nickname I should use, for sites, blogs, web browser games, etc, and since then, I still pretty much use this one.

The Pedro part is a common name in my portuguese language, which it relates to other languages names such as Peter, Pierre or Pietro. As for the Firzen part it's the name of a character which I loved in a game called LittleFighter 2, he was a fusion character which controled ice and fire,it is one of the end bosses of the stage mode of the game. If you don't know the game, it's a beat'em up type of fighting game, with a good number of different type of characters with special abilities and spells. If you like fighting games give it a try it's a nice free game to pass some of your time and even play with your friends.

Little Fighter 2

One of the best parts of the game is the massive number of fan created characters and modified games throughout the web, some of them are overpowered or badly done, others are wonderfully well done and original. The main reason for this, is because it's an easily modifiable game, even if you don't have advance programming skills, you can easily open up the game files with the right editor and you can change the information of each character or spell (making good sprites is another story).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blog's First Post

Hi there, just started my new blog today. This blog will be used to talk about games, programming or other computer related stuff, some internet stuff too and maybe more things in the future (who knows?).
